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Som en del af Polaris Nordic-samarbejdet har Koda, Teosto og Tono underskrevet en hensigtserklæring med ICE om et femårigt samarbejde med start i sommeren 2015.

Det nye samarbejde vil betyde, at ICE leverer backend services til Polaris Nordic, og at ICE vil indeholde Polaris Nordics repertoire. På sigt vil den fælles værkdatabase medføre, at vi sparer tid på at identificere en stor del af det internationale repertoire, og at vores repertoire bliver tydeligere eksponeret hos de andre selskaber i ICE-samarbejdet. En anden fordel ved ICE er den stordriftsbesparelse, der ligger i, at vi nu er fem selskaber om at vedligeholde én værkdatabase.

"Vi arbejder hele tiden på at skabe mest mulig værdi for vores rettighedshavere. I den forbindelse ser jeg vores samarbejde med ICE som et vigtigt skridt på vejen mod at gøre Polaris Nordic-samarbejdet til den mest effektive rettighedsforvaltning i verden," siger Kodas direktør, Anders Lassen om det nye samarbejde mellem Polaris Nordic og ICE.

Om Polaris Nordic

Polaris Nordic blev dannet i foråret som en alliance mellem Koda, Tono og Teosto. Formålet med alliancen er at reducere omkostninger og samtidig forøge kvaliteten i selskabernes forretningsområder.
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ICE er et kommercielt selskab, der har eksisteret siden 2007 ejet af STIM og PRS. ICE leverer bakend-services, og har i dag en fælles værkdatabase med Stim og PRS's repertoire. ICE repræsenterer i dag over 170.000 internationale komponister, sangskrivere og forlag. ICE har for nyligt indgået en aftale med BUMA/STEMRA.
Læs mere om ICE


Se den engelske pressemeddelelse fra ICE her:

Press Release - ICE

ICE to deliver Copyright Services to Polaris Nordic - the alliance of the three Nordic collecting societies Koda, TONO and Teosto.

The Nordic music copyright collection Societies, Koda, TONO and Teosto have signed a Letter of Intent with Swedish based International Copyright Enterprise Services AB (ICE) for the delivery of Music Copyright Services from 2015.

Stockholm, August 20, 2013: Polaris Nordic (the music collecting Societies in Denmark, Norway and Finland respectively) and International Copyright Enterprise Services AB (ICE) have signed a Letter of Intent signaling Polaris Nordic's intention to sign a copyright services delivery contract for a 5 year period, commencing in 2015. Based on its state of the art Database and multi-territorial Copyright processing solution, ICE will manage all of Polaris Nordic's Copyright documentation for both domestic and international repertoire. The work to move Polaris Nordic onto ICE will commence in 2014 once the Nordic societies have completed their own transition to their new, shared back office and systems. The intention is to sign a final agreement by the end of 2013. The agreement will secure Polaris Nordic with a strong delivery of services under Service Level Agreements and also enable access to a wider repertoire from ICE's other customers and secure a wider audience for Polaris Nordic's own repertoire.

"Our authors and publishers have an expectation that we continuously strive to distribute as much to them as we possibly can. We see cost reduction as the way in which we can differentiate ourselves and therefore we strongly believe that ICE will be one of the elements to achieve this", says Cato Strøm, CEO of TONO.
"In a world where we are facing increased competition for rights, it is of the utmost importance that we can prove to the rights holders that we are frugal and capable of finding the best and most efficient solutions possible and I see ICE as exactly such a solution", says Katri Sipilä , CTO of Teosto.

"We are continuously striving to optimize the value for our rights holders. In that perspective I see our collaboration with ICE as an important step towards Polaris Nordic being the most efficient solution for rights holders management in the world," says Anders Lassen, CEO of Koda.

"We are very pleased and excited about having Koda, TONO and Teosto as our customers and we are looking forward to a long and close relationship. Polaris Nordic represents for us a strong coalition of Nordic societies with a drive for efficiency and synergy, though still with unique differences, such as language. ICE can deliver the efficiency and synergy needed whilst at the same time we are able to manage individual needs." says Carsten Drachmann, CEO of ICE.

About ICE
International Copyright Enterprise Services AB (ICE) is a limited company based in Stockholm, Sweden, delivering Professional Services and Managed Services to the Music Industry within back office management and administration of musical rights. The company was founded in 2007 as a joint venture between STIM and PRS for Music. Today the ICE copyright solution represents 170.000 songwriters, composers and music publishers.