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Koda – working for a stronger music scene

Koda is committed to ensuring that composers, songwriters, and music publishers are remunerated when their music is used. As we have done for a century. The core mission is the same today as when we started, but our challenges have grown more complex. This means we must work for a stronger music scene through closer international collaboration, continuous technological investments, and a necessary focus on a sustainable music scene.
Agreements to benefit members and customers

Our founding ambition is to create an economically fair music market where composers and songwriters receive fair remuneration from those who listen to and use their music. This benefits today's music creators and is a crucial prerequisite for tomorrow's music.

We enter into agreements on our members' behalf – a large community of music creators – and there's power in numbers when it comes to securing the legal and political framework conditions for music. This is also an advantage when we negotiate agreements with music users because, as well as ensuring the best terms for our members, our customers only need one agreement to access all the world's music.

A more sustainable industry

We want to make a positive difference in the society and industry we are part of. We are committed to working ambitiously to make the music industry more socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable. We will bring our knowledge, skills, and resources to help inspire and achieve a stronger music scene. The task is as hard as it is worth fighting for. We can accomplish a lot independently, but we can only solve the most significant challenges together with others.

Partnerships for global problems

Music travels faster than ever and reaches ever-increasing audiences. This is a massive opportunity for our members – but only if they are paid for the music they create. Where there is great value, there is great interest. This requires that we assemble the strongest possible team in the fight against the giants. Accordingly, we enter into partnerships in all the areas we want to change, both in Denmark and abroad.

Trust and transparency – quite simply

As simple as our core mission is to put into words, it is complex in its details. Tracking the music performances is technologically intricate. Negotiating agreements is complicated. But demands and complexity must never stand in the way of our members' swift and efficient payment, with an accessible overview of the revenue streams behind the music. This is why we work for simplicity and transparency. Our members' works are their lifeblood. We care for them and return our members' trust with the greatest respect and humility. This drives our ambition to create a stronger music scene.




Approved by the Ministry of Culture Denmark

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Text and data mining

Koda reserves the right to text and data mining, cf. The Danish Copyright Act article 11b, paragraph 2, and the underlying EU law. All forms of collecting (scraping) and using Koda's members' copyright-protected works for training or developing AI, therefore, require permission.

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