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List of works

We are happy to provide you with lists of works to assist the entire process of work registration and updating. To obtain lists of works, simply send an e-mail directly to our Repertoire Department at [email protected]. Lists of works are available in Excel or text formats; many are also available in the CWR2 format.

We offer the following types of work lists:

Unregistered works 
  • Newly registered Danish works
  • Newly registered foreign works
  • Works registered on the basis of TV2 commercials
  • Works used in films and series that Koda has not been able to identify
  • Works that have appeared in Koda’s and NCB’s distributions (with amounts)
  • Works that have appeared in STIM, TONO and TEOSTO’s distributions (without amounts) 
Works registered by the publisher
  • Receipts for Danish and foreign works published by original publishers
  • Receipts for foreign works published by sub-publishers
Works covered by general or catalogue agreements
  • Lists of specific Danish authors whose works are registered without any shares allocated to the publisher with which the author has entered into a general agreement.
  • Lists of specific foreign original publishers whose works are registered without any shares allocated to the sub-publisher with which the original publisher has entered into a catalogue agreement.
Disputed works (where several music publishers have registered claims/counterclaims for the same rights)
  • Disputed works/counterclaims that have been appeared in Koda’s and NCB’s distributions (with amounts)
  • Disputed works/counterclaims between specific publishers (without amounts)

The lists of disputed works/counterclaims featured in current Koda and NCB distributions are automatically sent to the Koda publishers involved once a year, in August / September.