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New chairman: Niels Mosumgaard steps down after six years

New chairman: Niels Mosumgaard steps down after six years, passes baton to Niels Rønsholdt

Having had the same chairman at the helm for the maximum of six years allowed by Koda’s articles of association, it is time for a change. Niels Mosumgaard, who has played such a crucial role in steering the association through important years of major changes, remains on the board, but passes the chairmanship on to Niels Rønsholdt.

The new line-up of the board was decided at a meeting earlier this week. Niels Rønsholdt was elected as new chairman, while Ole Dreyer and Anna Lidell were chosen as deputy chairmen. 

The Koda board of directors now comprises the following: 

  • Niels Rønsholdt (chairman, author representative)
  • Ole Dreyer (deputy chairman, chairman of Musikforlæggerne)
  • Anna Lidell (deputy chairman, chairman of DJBFA)
  • Bent Sørensen (author representative, chairman of DKF)
  • Frans Bak (author representative)
  • Niels Mosumgaard (author representative, chairman of DPA)
  • Loui Törnqvist (publisher representative)
  • Søren Winding (publisher representative)
  • Niels Marthinsen (author representative)
  • Jens Visby (employee representative)
 Koda’s managing director thanks former chairman for his efforts

With the new team in place, the board of directors is ready to ensure that the direction and changes instigated by the former board, spearheaded by Niels Mosumgaard, will be implemented in ways that benefits all of Koda’s members  And if you ask Koda's director, Anders Lassen, the new board takes over a Koda organisation in great shape:


We owe Niels Mosumgaard a huge debt of gratitude - Anders Lassen


"In many ways, we now see a completely different Koda compared to the one Niels Mosumgaard took over as chairman six years ago. So much has happened during that period. The entire governance structure of Koda has been thoroughly modernised. Technologically, Koda is in a completely different place, and new business models and strong international cooperation have been firmly established. Still, there is plenty to work on for the new board, because things keep evolving and changing outside of Koda as well as within," he says, going on to thank the chairman for his great efforts:

"There can be no doubt that we owe Niels Mosumgaard a huge debt of gratitude for his indomitable, insistent focus that it was time to break away from old power structures and ways of doing things. Even though the process may have been difficult at times, causing friction and resistance, every single challenge has been driven by one fundamental focus: That Koda is and belongs to its members, all its members, and that it must be run in accordance with that tenet. It is also a player operating in a new global reality. All this means that Koda must be democratic, decent, honest, transparent and keep its eyes open. We continue this work with undiminished strength and energy."