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Rules on advance payments

Rules on advance payments / Rules on advances

Koda’s author members can obtain an advance on their Koda distributions provided that a number of conditions are met.

For example, obtaining an advance requires:

  • that your balance is not negative (as a result of regulations, etc.),
  • that you have not assigned a claim to your distribution to a third party (such as a publisher or manager),
  • that the advance does not conflict with a third party's greater right (e.g. the Danish Debt Collection Agency or legal distraint).

In order to qualify for an advance you must also – based on your average distributions in the last three years as calculated by Koda – be able to obtain at least DKK 10,000 in advance.

A fee of DKK 250 will be charged to cover the administration costs associated with processing the advance. The administration fee does not include VAT and is currently VAT-free (if VAT becomes applicable, the administration fee will be subject to VAT).

Advances are granted subject to an overall assessment of the specific conditions of each case. Please note that you do not have a legal claim to receiving an advance.

If you obtain an advance, Koda will report the amount to the Danish tax authorities, SKAT, when making the payment.

The above applies only to authors. Inquiries can be made to [email protected]