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December 2023

The final distribution of 2023 took place on Thursday 7 December. For a full overview of the areas and performance periods included, see the Koda distribution schedule

TV, Radio and VOD (Video on Demand)

The December distribution covers all TV and Radio areas where distributions are made monthly. While it primarily concerns performances in September 2023, you will find that in several areas performances from October have also already been reported, processed and are ready for distribution.

As regards VOD, the December distribution includes distributions covering Q1 2023 for Netflix and the first six months of 2023 for the services Disney+ og HBO. The distribution for HBO furthermore includes a final settlement for the period 2017 to 2022, carried out after Koda recently received an arrears distribution from the service.

The December distribution also includes annual distributions for iTunes film rentals in 2022 and for the service Discovery+ covering both 2021 and 2022. The latter distribution has been delayed due to difficulties in obtaining adequate reporting from the service. As regards the area Interactive TV Services, the December distribution includes the final distribution for the year 2022. 

Music streaming

The December distribution includes a quarterly distribution within the field of music streaming, both as regards licensing in Denmark and direct licensing abroad. For specific periods, see the Koda distribution schedule. The distribution for Spotify covers one month less than is usually the case due to a temporary break in reporting while the agreement is renegotiated. Distributions for the missing month will be carried out in March, after which the distributions will continue as before.

The December distribution also includes revenues from completed claiming periods (‘Residuals’) on Spotify. In keeping with our established practice, these are distributed proportionally to works from the primary Spotify settlements made within the specific periods. In addition, Koda also distributes certain older unidentified amounts within the Online area; these too are distributed to works from the primary settlements.

Also included are distributions for the area ‘Online AV without reporting’, which covers videos on multi-territorial online AV services (primarily YouTube) for which the relevant services have been unable to identify the music, meaning that Koda has not received music reporting. The distribution covers the period 2021 and is made on the basis of representative distribution data from the areas ‘Interactive TV Services’ and ‘Concert’.

First distribution for music use on TikTok

The December distribution includes Koda’s first-ever distribution for music use on the video platform TikTok. It covers the period May 2021 up to and including April 2022. The following preconditions apply to the distribution:

  • TikTok’s reporting to Koda is currently based on the number of ‘Creations’, which indicates how many times a given song has been placed in different videos. It is this parameter rather than, for example, the number of streams per video which forms the basis for Koda’s distributions to rightsholders for the musical works used.
  • The distribution is based on reporting from the territories Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, UK and Germany. These territories have been deemed representative in terms of the use of Polaris’s repertoire on the service in general; however, this does mean that specific music use in other countries falls within the scope of the distribution.
  • The distribution for a specific consumption period will be carried out over the course of two Koda distributions, where the first distribution is based on a temporary assessment and the second is a final distribution for the period. Thus, your total TikTok revenues for the period can only be calculated after the second distribution has been made.

In March, the distribution for the period May 2022 up to and including July 2023 will begin, and this period will subsequently be completed with the June distribution 2024. 

Concert and Background music

As regards concerts, the December distribution covers all concerts where the music reporting has been processed and completed and where Koda has received all necessary information from the concert promoter (for example about ticket revenues per concert). This time it includes concerts held right up to and including November 2023.

As regards the Background area, the December distribution covers the first half of 2023 for several Background areas where distributions are based on reused reporting from other areas. This specifically concerns the categories ‘Daytime radio’, ‘Music for Fitness’ and ‘TV’.

Blank Media and TV in Education

Koda is now making distributions for the area Blank Media for the year 2022. The blank media scheme compensates rightsholders for the private copying legally carried out by users. The scheme has been revised, effective as of 2022, so that it now also covers many forms of digital copying on tablets, smartphones, PCs and other digital devices. The collected amounts are divided into two separate distribution pools, one for audio media and one for video media. These are distributed based on analogous data from representative distribution areas. 

The December distribution also includes a distribution for ‘TV in Education’, specifically for the part of the area that is based on data from the digital platform run by Center For Undervisning, from which Danish educational institutions can access a large selection of TV broadcasts for use in education. The distribution covers the whole of 2022.


Koda regularly distributes revenues received from sister societies for the use of Koda members’ music abroad. Koda’s distribution rates reflect the individual societies’ distribution frequency and speed in their various distribution areas. Because Koda makes monthly distributions, this means that on average, the amounts received spend less than one month with Koda before being distributed.

This time, the December distribution covers the area ‘Abroad – no reporting’. This covers amounts received from societies abroad which, over a period of time, it has not been possible to match to specific work data. These amounts are now distributed on the basis of analogous data on works for which distributions have already been made and which come from the territories and periods associated with the amounts. 

NCB and DR synchronisation

The December distribution includes the semi-annual distribution from NCB for the sale of physical releases. In addition, the distribution covers synchronisation at DR in 2022 in accordance with a new synchronisation agreement with DR. This distribution is based on DR’s reporting of first performances in 2022 subsequently matched to music data in Koda’s system and filtered in accordance with the criteria laid out in the agreement.

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