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September 2023

Koda’s September 2023 distribution took place on Thursday 14 September. For a full overview of the areas and performance periods included, see the distribution schedule

TV and Radio

The September distribution covers all TV and radio areas where distributions are made monthly. While it primarily concerns performances in June, in several areas you will also find that performances from July have already been reported, processed and are ready for distribution.  Furthermore, the September distribution includes monthly distributions for music used in commercials on channels such as TV3 +, National Geographic and Eurosport 1.

The distribution includes a final settlement for music use in 2022 on the TV channels DR1 and DR2. The final settlement is an established practice for areas where distributions are made monthly, and ensures that all revenues generated within the given area are distributed proportionally based on consumption data for the relevant period. You can read more about final settlements in the box to the right. The September distribution also includes final settlements for the TV channels operated by Viasat (Action, Hits, Premiere, Family, Series)

The September distribution covers the second half of 2022 for TV3; this distribution has been delayed due to the introduction of a new reporting format. The September distribution also covers annual distributions for music use in all of 2022 on the channels TV3 Sport, TV3 Max, TV2 Sport og TV2 SportX. As regards radio, it includes distributions for the first half of 2023 on Greenlandic radio.


The September distribution covers quarterly distributions for TV2 Play (on demand and flow) for Q1 2023 as well as for Netflix, covering Q4 2022. In addition, it includes annual distributions for 2022 for the VOD service C More and for ‘VOD Other’. The latter area consists of revenues from minor movie rental services, which are distributed based on analogous data consisting of previously processed data from YouSee/Blockbuster.

The September distribution includes a quarterly distribution for the VOD service Paramount+, with which Koda recently closed an agreement covering the period 2021 to October 2022, at which point the service ceased to be available in Denmark (content from Paramount+ will in future be available via SkyShowtime). In addition, it includes distributions for DR TV from TV distributors, which covers the use of music that takes place when content from DR TV is offered via TV distributors’ digital platforms.

The VOD area also includes a substantial final settlement for 2022 which includes the services TV2 Play (on demand and flow), Viaplay and Disney+. The final settlements comprise, among other things, revenues received from TV distributors for their sale of the services via ‘Bland selv’ (mix and match) subscriptions.

Music streaming and other online

Within the field of music streaming, the September distribution includes a monthly distribution for music use in July on Nuuday Musik (YouSee Musik and Telmore Musik) as well as quarterly distributions for the streaming services Spotify, YouTube and Apple Music. The distribution for Apple Music covers a long period (January 2022 to March 2023) due to technical issues regarding reporting.

Please note that the distribution for the international services also includes direct distributions for the use of Koda members’ works in other European countries. For an overview of specific services and periods, see the Koda distribution schedule.

Within the online area, the September distribution also includes an annual distribution for the use of music in podcasts in 2022 as well as for the use of specially composed music on smaller online sites and in apps.


As regards concerts, the September distribution covers all concerts where the music reporting has been processed and completed and where Koda has received all necessary information from the concert promoter (for example about ticket revenues per concert).

This time, the area includes distributions for several of the major festivals of 2023, including Northside, Copenhell, Tinderbox and Heartland. It also includes a final settlement for concerts held in 2022.


Ahead of the September distribution, Koda has received new quarterly distributions from sister societies in the UK (PRS) and France (SACEM), and a substantial portion of the distribution within the area comes from these countries. The distributions cover performances up to and including Q1 2023, primarily within the areas TV, Radio and Online.

The September distribution also includes distributions of so-called ‘returned shares’ received from Koda’s sister societies abroad. These are funds which have, due to errors in the rightsholder documentation, initially been sent to incorrect societies abroad and subsequently returned to Koda in accordance with established practice. The returned shares have been reviewed and corrected by Koda and are now distributed in accordance with correct rightsholder documentation.  


First Performance Award 2022  

The terms and conditions for first performance awards have been changed as a result of a decision made at Koda’s general meeting in 2020. The changes are necessary in order for Koda to comply with the international confederation CISAC’s guidelines and requirements for transparency, equal treatment and objective criteria. As a result of these changes, the distributions now fall within the scope of Koda’s Cultural Contributions, and the total amount set aside for first performance awards will be gradually reduced over the course of several years.

This distribution covers first performance awards for works performed in 2022. Please note that a minimum limit has been set on when a first performance award is paid out. The minimum limit means that first performance awards are only paid out when the primary distribution for the given performance has a value of more than DKK 200 before any first performance award is added. Furthermore, new limits have been set on how much a given work or author can receive in the form of awards this year:

Per author: DKK 50,000 

Per work (for all rightsholders to share): DKK 30,000 


Final settlements – what are they?

Koda’s monthly distributions are made on the basis of provisional estimates. When the year is over and the annual accounts have been approved, a final annual statement is drawn up, which follows up on any deviations from the estimated values. We may also carry out regular follow-ups during the year when we have made distributions for a given period – i.e. before the end of the year.

If sufficient funds remain within a given area, the amount is paid out as a supplement to the previous distributions made within the given performance year. The final settlement is distributed proportionally to the works and rightsholders who received the first distributions and in accordance with the original basis for those distributions.