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Advertising information

Why register advertising information?

When your music is featured in a commercial/advertisement, it is important that you register information about the relevant advertisement and upload an audio file for the music used via My Koda. Koda will forward the audio file to our partners, who use sound recognition technology to identify usage of the commercial/advertisement by TV stations. Koda uses this information to check the accuracy of the broadcast information provided.

PLEASE NOTE: It is important that you register advertising information and upload the audio file as soon as possible – preferably before the commercial/advertisement is shown on TV. 

Abroad: If your work is used in commercials/advertisements shown abroad, you can upload an audio file to My Koda and send broadcast information to Koda’s international department at [email protected]

If you need help registering advertising information, or if you have any other questions regarding Koda's distributions for music used in advertisements, you are always welcome to contact Koda’s member service on tel. +45 33 30 63 20 or via email [email protected]

How is advertising information registered?

You can register advertising information in connection with work registration or you can register advertising information for a work that is already on your work list.

  • Advertising information for work registration

If you want to register advertising music on a work in connection with work registration, under Register work on the first page "About the work", tick Music used in an advertisement.

When you have just submitted the work registration and are on the receipt, you can click on the Register advertising information button and provide information about the advertisement and attach an audio file.

  • Advertising information on an already registered work on the Work list

If you want to register advertising information on a work that is already registered, you must go to the Work list Here you select the work you want to register advertising information on by clicking on the arrow next to the title. Here, at the bottom of the details of the work, you can see the Register advertising information button.

Accept sharing of Audio file with third parties

Note! If it is the first time that you register advertising information, then you must accept that we may share the audio file with third parties (our business partners). Also be sure that all rights holders of the work have given permission for the information to be shared.

Register advertising information
  1. First, you must register information about what the advertisement is for. Specify Product and Advertiser. The product is the product the advertisement is for – e.g. "McMuffin", while the Advertiser will then be "McDonald's". Enter the spot title, which is the film title of the advertisement, and a description of the advertisement, which could be "The family eats burgers".
  2. Broadcast country and broadcast area are pre-filled with Denmark and TV.
  3. Specify Channel.
  4. If you know the Adcode for the advertisement, you can register it here. The Adcode is a unique code assigned to each advertisement. Adcode is also called Clock number or Spot code.
  5. Record the first broadcast of the advertisement. If you do not know the exact date, you can register the first day of the month the advertisement is broadcast.
  6. If your work is used in more than one advertisement, you can register more braodcast information by pressing Register more Adcodes. Then more fields are added to record more broadcast information; and perhaps the work was used in advertisements broadcast in both Denmark and Sweden or in two different advertisements on Danish TV.
Upload audio file (You cannot register advertising information without uploading an audio file!)
  1. When you click Upload, you can find the sound file that fits the work in your own library. It is a good idea to name the sound file with the name of the work. 
  2. Choose the version that best suits your work, and check that the work is specially composed for this particular advertisement. You cannot upload multiple sound files for the same work - and even if there are versions with different speak, we only need one sound file, e.g. the instrumental version.

We pass on a copy of your audio file to our partners, and it is important for them to know whether the work is specially composed and which version of the work it is in relation to how they listen to the work.

When you have submitted advertising information to Koda, you will receive a receipt on the web and by email. Here you can see all the information you have registered.

(If your work is used in advertisements shown outside Denmark, you can upload an audio file and send broadcast information to Koda's international department at [email protected])

Advertising information

You can immediately see the information you have submitted about the advertisement(s) in which the music is used on your Advertising Work List if you have uploaded an audio file to an existing work. An audio file for an existing work will be forwarded to our partners within the next 24 hours.

If you have uploaded an audio file to a newly created work, it will take a few days before you can see the work in the menu items Work list and Advertising work list - and the sound file is forwarded to our partners. Please check that it is the correct audio file before we send it on.

You can continuously register more broadcast information, but you cannot correct the advertising information once you have registered it. If you need to make changes, you can write to Koda's department for music reporting at [email protected]

If your work is used in advertisements shown abroad, you can send display information to Koda's international department at [email protected]