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Payment and distribution
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Distribution schedule

Koda's distributions takes place every month (except in July), but this does not mean that all areas have monthly distributions – in some cases, distributions are carried out quarterly or annually. To see exactly when we distribute revenues for which areas, check our distribution schedule below. 

Please note that while generally accurate, the schedule provided is subject to change; certain shifts may occur. We make distributions as soon as we can, so you may find that for some periods, distributions will be made sooner than originally announced.

The distribution covering streaming and download services is quarterly in March, June, September and December. The NCB distribution is carried out twice a year, in June and December.
If you need information on previous distributions you can find it HERE

Click an area below to view the distribution areas covered in each individual month.

Next distributions

15 August

12 September


The table content shows which period is included in the distribution. The August distribution encompasses eg. DR Radio usage in April and May.

Date of payment: 18 Jan 15 Feb 14 Mar 18 Apr 16 May 13 Jun 15 Aug 12 Sep 10 Oct 7 Nov 5 Dec
DR Radio Oct/Nov  Nov/Dec Dec/Jan Jan/Feb Feb/March March/April April/May May/June June/July July/Aug Aug/Sept
DR DAB Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec/Jan Jan/Feb Feb/March March/April April/May May/June June/July July/Aug Aug/Sept
Commercial Radio Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec Jan/Feb  Feb/March March/April April/May May/June June/July July/Aug Aug/Sept
Faroese Radio Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec Jan/Feb Feb/March March/April April/May May/June June/July July/Aug Aug/Sept
Greenlandic Radio         July-Dec     Jan - June      
Localradio            2023          



The table content shows which period is included in the distribution. The September distribution encompasses eg. TV 2 usage in May and June.

Date of payment: 18 Jan 15 Feb 14 Mar 18 Apr 16 May 13 Jun 15 Aug 12 Sep 10 Oct 7 Nov 5 Dec
DR TV Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec Jan/Feb Feb/March March/April April/May May/June Jun/July July/Aug Aug/Sept
TV2 Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec Jan/Feb Feb/March March/April April/May May/June June/July July/Aug Aug/Sept
TV2 Regional channels     Oct-Dec     Jan-March     April - June   July-Sep
DK4 Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec Jan/Feb Feb/March  March/April April/May May/June June/July July/Aug Aug/Sept
Kanal 4             2023        
Kanal 5             2023        
6´eren             2023        
Canal 9             2023        
Eurosports 2 Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec Jan Feb March April/May June July Aug Sep
Animal Planet   July - Dec                  
Discovery Channel     July - Dec                
ID - Investigation Channel Oct Nov July -Dec                
TLC Denmark Oct Nov July -Dec                
TV3       Jan - Sept 2023              
TV3 Puls Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec   Jan/Feb March April/May June July Aug


TV3 Max               2023      
TV3 Sport               2023      
Sky Showtime1+2               May - Dec      
Viasat (Action,Hits,Premiere,Family,Series) Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec Jan/Feb Feb/March March/April April/May May/June June/July July/Aug Aug/Sep
See Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec Jan/Feb Feb/March March/April April/May May/June June/July July/Aug Aug/Sep
Commercials Oct/Nov Nov/Dec Dec Jan/Feb Feb/March March/April April/May May/June June/July July/Aug Aug/Sep
VH1     2023                
Local TV (compensation)           x          
Faroese TV           2023          
Greenlandic Broadcasting           2023          
Uptown TV             2023        



All if ready means that distributions for concerts will be carried out as part of the first distribution done after reports from members and payments from customers have been received and processed. Hence, you may find that even though your concert reporting was fully completed and submitted in a timely manner to Koda, you will receive your distribution at a later date.

Date of payment: 18 Jan 15 Feb 14 Mar 18 Apr 16 May 13 Jun 15 Aug 12 Sep 10 Oct 7 Nov 5 Dec
Concerts in general All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready
Restaurant, Café, Bar a.o. All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready
Roskilde festival                 2024    
Smukfest                 2024    
NorthSide               2024      
Tinderbox               2024      
Copenhell               2024      
Tivoli           2023          
Church concerts All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready Jan-April All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready
Theater concerts etc. All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready  All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready
DR concert             2023        
Regional Orchestras     2023                



The table content shows which period is included in the distribution. The June distribution encompasses eg. usage on Filmstriben 2023.

Date of payment: 18 Jan 15 Feb 14 March 18 April 16 May 13 June 15 Aug 12 September 10 Oct 7 Nov 5 Dec
Interactive TV services           2023          
DR on demand             2023        
VOD archive at TV distributors           2023          
DRTV at TV distributors           2023          
Filmcentralen - VOD                   2023  
Music on websites               2023      
Instore radio               2023      
Web-radio               2023      
YouSee VOD              July - Dec        
Other VOD services               2023      
Filmstriben - VOD           2023          
TV in education (through AVU-media)               2023      
Film in education (through AVU-media)               2023      
TV2 Play     July - Sept                
Netflix     Apr - June      July - Sep    Oct - Dec      Jan - March 
Disney+     July - Dec               Jan - June
HBO     July - Dec               Jan - June
Paramount+               2023      
Itunes VOD                      
Radio Play               2023      
Viaplay subscriptions       2023              
Viaplay rentals       2023              
Online background                   2023  
Nuuday (YouSee Music) Nov Dec Jan Feb March April  May/June July Aug Sept Oct
Podcast               2023      
Spotify DK     July - Oct     Nov - Jan   x     x
Spotify (abroad)     July - Aug     Sept - Dec   x     x
Tidal     not incl.         x     x
Apple Music DK     July - Sept       x     x
Apple Music abroad     July - Sept     x   x     x
Itunes download     July - Sept         x     x
YouTube DK     July - Sept     Oct - Dec   x     x
YouTube abroad     July - Sept     Oct - Dec   x     x
Tik Tok      May 2022 - July 2023                
Beat     Oct - Dec     Jan - March   x     x
Beatport     July     x   x     x
Meta (Facebook, Instagram)     Nov 2022 -Oct 2023         x      
SoundCloud DK     not incl.         x     x
SoundCloud Udland     not incl.          x     x

x = we do not know the period 

VOD = Video on demand


All if ready means that distributions for performances abroad will be carried out as part of the first distribution done after the funds and distribution data provided by Koda’s affiliates abroad have been received and processed.

Date of payment: 18 Jan 15 Feb 14 Mar 18 Apr 16 May 13 Jun 15 Aug 12 Sep 10 Oct 7 Nov 5 Dec
Performances abroad All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready All if ready
Background music

The table content shows which period is included in the distribution. The December distribution encompasses eg. 'Daytime radio" usage in Jan-June 2024.

Date of payment

18. Jan 

15. Feb

14. March

18. April

16. May

13. June

15. Aug

12. Sept

10. Oct

7. Nov

5. Dec

Retail chains




































Recorded music also performed live












Music for fitness





July - Dec






Jan - June

Music for fitness - reported












Daytime radio





July - Dec






Jan - June

Custom background music












Streaming Service Detail

















July - Dec






Jan - June

First performance award

Frist performance award is paid the year after the first performance. This means that your premieres in 2023 will be paid out in September 2024. 
First performance awards are assigned to works performed publicly for the first time in Denmark, Greenland or the Faroe Islands and are added on top of the standard distribution you have already received for the performance.

Note! This arrangement will be changed starting with performances in 2021. Read more (in Danish) here.

Date of payment: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Aug 12 Sept Oct Nov Dec
First performance award               2023      
Other areas

The table content shows which period is included in the distribution. The June distribution encompasses eg. music in cinemas from 2023.

Month of payment: 18 Jan 15 Feb 14 Mar 18 Apr 16 May 13 Jun 15 Aug 12 Sep 10 Okt 7 Nov 5 Dec
Music in cinemas (incl. Planetariet)           2023          
Koda Dramatik           2023          
Blank media (audio and video)                     2023
Compensation for local sub-publishing                 2023    
NCB online            x         x
NCB cd, dvd and synch.           x         x

x = the period of the distribution is unknown